IPTV WordPress Templates

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Fully Responsive


Get your website live and running in 1 hour

our templates are 100% optimized for IPTV websites, Fast, secure, clean design .


7 Days Money Back Guarantee

We guarantee your first subscription within the first 7 days or your money back .


Get your website live and running in 1 hour

Based on some of the best IPTV websites, we created the highest converting templates .

Buy - Edit - Launch - Make Sales

You have more specific needs? request a custom template here

Templates Powered with :

⚡ Fast & Converting 🤑 !!

Having a slow website is like not having a website at all, Enjoy speed and cache management system with our templates !

First time doing IPTV and made over $260 in 8 days ! out templates convert and you have 7 days to test that

How do i get started ?

1. Place your order

Choose your template from our range of high quality templates, Proceed with your Paypal or Credit card

2. Payment Confirmation & delivery

W might have to ask for a payment confirmation screenshot, once confirmed, we will email you your template withing 10 min max .

3. Edit & launch

Watch our video about editing your template which will take around 1 hour, This video will also be included with your order.

How to edit your template


Templates Sold

+ 0

IPTV Orders


In Subscriptions Revenue

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